Frames for the Body. Spaces and Places in Children’s Literature


  • Marnie Campagnaro



Spazialità, Materialità, Luoghi educativi, Storia e Teoria della Letteratura per l'infanzia


Over the last forty years, spatiality has attracted increasing academic interest as a means to investigate children’s literature, its history and its underlying theory, both in Italy and abroad. It is a field intersected by exciting pedagogical ideas and categories which are being used to conduct research into children’s literature; they include lived-in space, interior geography, educational materiality, and the building of identity starting from lived spaces. Each of the five essays in this monograph takes its own perspective to investigate the spaces and places of children’s literature, both real and symbolic, as they hang suspended between history and the modern day. The various theoretical approaches and original interweaving of disciplines reveal the multi-faceted world of children’s literature that orbits around spatiality.


Becchi, E., & Julia D. (Eds.) (1996). Storia dell’infanzia. 2 voll. Roma-Bari: Laterza.

Beseghi, E. (1995). Interiors: case che parlano, stanze che sussurrano. L’isola misteriosa. Quaderni di letteratura per l’infanzia Mondadori, 1, 57-74.

Covato, C. (Ed.) (2014). Per una storia dei luoghi della materialità educativa. Sezione monografica. Rivista di storia dell’educazione, 1 (1), 5-116.

Frémont, A. (1976). La Région espace vécu. Paris: Champs Flammarion.

Frémont, A. (1976/1978). La regione uno spazio per vivere. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Iori, V. (1996). Lo spazio vissuto. Luoghi educativi e soggettività. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.

Lando, F. (2012), La geografia umanista: un’interpretazione. Rivista Geografica Italiana, 119, 259-289.

Nikoleva, M. (2016). Recent Trends in Children’s Literature Research: Return to the Body. International Research in Children’s Literature, 9 (2), 132-145.

Rodari, G. (1973). Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all’arte di inventare storie. Torino: Einaudi.

Rodari, G. (1973/1997). Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all’arte di inventare storie. San Dorligo della Valle (Trieste): Edizioni EL.



How to Cite

Campagnaro, M. (2017). Frames for the Body. Spaces and Places in Children’s Literature. Encyclopaideia, 21(49).


