“Were You a Monster Today?” Making Assessments with Families: Thoughts and Practices


  • Silvio Premoli Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
  • Andrea Prandin Independent Researcher




Child and Youth Care, Social Pedagogy, Complexity and Curiosity in Relational Child Care, Risks of Assessment, Evaluation Ethics


Assessing family care work is an extremely complex task, full of risks (because it concerns people’s life). It requires sensitivity, great self-awareness and awareness of one's own prejudices and of one’s own idea of family. In order to make an assessment professionals must have a curious attitude, capable of constantly seeking connections between interacting subjects, and these subjects include the observer him/herself, his/her thoughts and epistemology. This paper presents the reflections emerging from a high level inservice training course aimed at care and education professionals, based on narrative and reflective methodologies.


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How to Cite

Premoli, S., & Prandin, A. (2019). “Were You a Monster Today?” Making Assessments with Families: Thoughts and Practices. Encyclopaideia, 23(55), 67–79. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1825-8670/10112


