Re-thinking education in the scenarios of the post-human


  • Agostina Melucci



Post-Human, Globalization, Sciences, Technologies, Pedagogy


It is often written about a human figure, different in its faculty and its intentional structure than that lived and studied for three thousand years till now: the Post-Human.  Modifications of the physical basis (DNA, RNA, drugs) are always more widespread. Of course, the question "who is the man?" should be further reformulated as a result of globalization, computerization and particularly because of the development of science and technology: not "who is man?" is now the question, but what man's structures of thought are becoming, how humanity is evolving, through various types of prosthetic use and continuous reintegration at high intensity, the way man feels and acts. The same for the questions "Who's the baby?", or any age group and condition. In the Italian school, the historic core of the European one, the issue is object of progressive awareness and the challenge is to communicate to young people the foundation of identity and the light of scientific and cultural tradition of the West in order to bring up them about the necessary changes and ethically desirable ones. As well as to teach them how fighting against those not recommended.


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How to Cite

Melucci, A. (2016). Re-thinking education in the scenarios of the post-human. Encyclopaideia, 20(46).


