The evocative object. Innovation, reflexivity and transformation in university teaching
Transformative Learning, Higher Education, Complexity, InnovationAbstract
The paper offers an epistemological and pedagogical basis for using objects in teaching at university, inspired by the experience-based research and practice of object-based learning, here reframed by complexity theory and enactive, symbolic, and reflexive pedagogy. The paper proposes a teaching method where different languages and forms of knowledge are composed in order to favor the transformation of the students’ perspectives of meaning. The paper itself is written in such a way to connect different forms of knowledge: narration of experience sustains theorization, looking for embodied and subjectivated thinking. Theoretical concepts are developed through the analysis of an object-based didactic experience and the students’ reflexive reinterpretation of their own learning. The outcome of this study is the articulation of a practical theory of transformation, as an antidote to the dominant reductionist and functionalist understanding of innovation in HE didactics.References
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