The evocative object. Innovation, reflexivity and transformation in university teaching


  • Laura Formenti
  • Silvia Luraschi
  • Alessandra Rigamonti



Transformative Learning, Higher Education, Complexity, Innovation


The paper offers an epistemological and pedagogical basis for using objects in teaching at university, inspired by the experience-based research and practice of object-based learning, here reframed by complexity theory and enactive, symbolic, and reflexive pedagogy. The paper proposes a teaching method where different languages and forms of knowledge are composed in order to favor the transformation of the students’ perspectives of meaning. The paper itself is written in such a way to connect different forms of knowledge: narration of experience sustains theorization, looking for embodied and subjectivated thinking. Theoretical concepts are developed through the analysis of an object-based didactic experience and the students’ reflexive reinterpretation of their own learning. The outcome of this study is the articulation of a practical theory of transformation, as an antidote to the dominant reductionist and functionalist understanding of innovation in HE didactics.


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How to Cite

Formenti, L., Luraschi, S., & Rigamonti, A. (2017). The evocative object. Innovation, reflexivity and transformation in university teaching. Encyclopaideia, 21(48).


