From the Embodied Cognition to the Embodied Education in the Physical and Sports Sciences
Embodied cognition, Embodied education, Physical activity, Physical education, SportAbstract
The phenomenological pedagogy has always been focused its attention to the centrality of the subject, on his concrete experience and on the related embodied aspects referred to the consciousness and awareness of the body and action. According with the Embodied Cognition theory, phenomenology is outlining a pedagogical framework defined as Embodied Education.
Within this pedagogical approach, physical education and sport sciences are enhancing the educational strategy based on the involvement of the subject as a fundamental actor of his educational processes.
This contribution aims to underline the intrinsically embodied essence of motor activity, game and sport, and the educational strategies that enhance the body as a subject that creates cognition through the interaction with the environment-objects- persons, in the concrete situation experienced by the subject.
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