Phenomenology and Physical Disability: for a Non-normate Body Policy


  • Luca Ghirotto Università di Verona



Phenomenology, Disability, Physical Disability, Non-Normate Body, Dis-Appearance


Gaining disability among the areas of phenomenological reflection is urgent political action. The aim of this article is twofold: contributing to the debate about physical disability, from a particular starting point (i.e. the meanings of the real experience) and revealing the structures that socially inform the bodies in their relationships with others. Experiencing physical disability means living a compromised body. The compromised lived-body reorganizes, in fact, the experience of space, time, relationship with the self and with the others, the knowledge of the world and endures an inequitable and ableistic socio-cultural organization. In this context, the concept of disappearance is discussed. The compromised body disappears before a norm produced by the able bodies and is excluded from the shared project of a world-together-with-others. In this sense, the phenomenological reflection could rethink and support the social participation of people with a physical disability.


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How to Cite

Ghirotto, L. (2020). Phenomenology and Physical Disability: for a Non-normate Body Policy. Encyclopaideia, 24(56), 59–77.


