“At last, Someone Asked Us Foreigners What We Think!” Speaking Up As An Exercise Of Active Citizenship: An Italian Case Study
Participation, Active citizenship education, Questionnaire, Multicultural urban suburbs, Right to speakAbstract
While the current debate highlights an increasing deficit of civic engagement, new - and often less visible - forms of “participation” are beginning to be detected, such as those implemented by citizens with migratory background living at the physical and symbolic margins of Western towns. Our study, part of the project “Abitare insieme” (Living together) in Milan’s multicultural suburbs, was developed with a dual purpose: to analyze the relationship between citizens with a migratory background, active citizenship, and their place representations/belongings; to experiment the co-construction of innovative spaces of speech for citizens, through their dialogical involvement in the research. In a framework of participatory research to enhance reflexivity and transformative practices, a survey was designed and administered. In this paper we will discuss the survey results, along with some methodological implication. The aim is to contribute to reinvent the “active citizenship” construct from a transformative, pedagogical, and intercultural perspective.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alessandra Mussi, Nicola Rainisio, Paolo Inghilleri, Linda Pola, Chiara Bove

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