Intercultural Education as a Phenomenological Paradigm of Responsibility and Care
Intercultural Education, Person, Phenomenology, Responsibility, CareAbstract
The social sphere today returns the atomistic imago both of the person and of the same reality, as if only the solipsistic and narcissistic dimension of subjectivity was the paradigm to be adopted to live in harmony with oneself and with society, denying the relational dimension, the cornerstone of educational care. The other is increasingly seen as a problem to avoid, not as a person to meet, to know, a subject with whom to establish fruitful correspondence. Pedagogically, each person is continually educated and trained in relationships with others, and this educational relationship is productive as the other person or other people of the relationship in turn receive educational benefits and training requests from this encounter of mutual recognition and proficuous hybridisations. Identity and recognition are two different elements which, however, become complementary because the recognition becomes a symmetrical function of the personal identity and the same identity becomes concrete and real only through the recognition.References
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