Experiencing the Co-Construction of an Undergraduate Course with Students. What can learn Teachers from their In-Progress Feedback?


  • Alessia Bevilacqua




Course evaluation, Student Voice, Students as Researchers, Assessment as Learning, Higher Education


Educational technologies are useful to engage actively students in their learning paths. The Student Voice approach can furthermore allow students to become co-researchers in the evaluation process and, by providing adequate feedback, co-constructors of their training path. The research aims at investigating, through a quan-QUAL sequential explanatory design – the feedback provided by the students attending a course characterized by the flipped learning and on the Assessment as Learning approaches. The quantitative results show the students mainly provided two types of feedback: descriptive feedback, characterized by a lower level of reflexivity; and evaluative feedbacks regarding the effectiveness of the teaching approach. In addition to providing clear indications to the teacher to orient the experimentation, the qualitative results highlight how participating in the course evaluation process has allowed the students to acquire greater awareness both in relation to the subject and the enhancement of personal skills and transversal skills.


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How to Cite

Bevilacqua, A. (2019). Experiencing the Co-Construction of an Undergraduate Course with Students. What can learn Teachers from their In-Progress Feedback?. Encyclopaideia, 23(54), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1825-8670/9671


