The bounded rationality of the educational choices


  • Simone Digennaro
  • Antonio Borgogni



Educational choices, Pedagogical Solitarism and Formalism, Reasonable Education


Nowadays, models adopted by the educational systems met with rigidities and doctrinal axioms that are limiting the efficacy of the interventions. This is due to a reduced capacity of adaptability to the reality. There is the tendency to apply a cage of  false rationality, in which objectives, times, tools, etc. are defined with rigidity – often dogmatically supported – with the risk to level out the educational activity, without directly acting on the specific features of each individual and on the specific aspects that characterize one context from another.  This is one of the main issue that the education is regarded to address today. It is also a topic that needs to be analysed since represents an important viaticum for lines of reasoning concerning the policies to be developed and the changes that might emerge in the educational praxis and in the long-term strategic and political decisions.


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How to Cite

Digennaro, S., & Borgogni, A. (2015). The bounded rationality of the educational choices. Encyclopaideia, 19(41).


