Sensitizing concepts as balance points in qualitative inquiry. Methodological reflections upon a multi-site research


  • Paolo Sorzio



Sensitizing Concepts, Contextualization, Reform, Teacher professionalism


In this contribution, some relevant issues in conducting a qualitative inquiry are analyzed on the basis of a multi-site research. Therefore, the paper intertwines two strands: the first one presents the main findings of the research, aimed at reconstructing the impact of curricular reform on three Comprehensive Schools. The second one is a reflection on the design of the presented inquiry. Specifically, the role of the empirical data in the development of sensitizing concepts and the relationships between the fieldwork and the process of writing are highlighted. As the result, the sensitizing concept of “contextualization” can organize the complex interplay between reform concepts and the cultural practices in local ecologies.


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How to Cite

Sorzio, P. (2016). Sensitizing concepts as balance points in qualitative inquiry. Methodological reflections upon a multi-site research. Encyclopaideia, 20(44).


